Actionable Outcomes

Operational Agility Review

Today’s industry challenges require an asset manager to have an operating model that has the agility to solve for rapidly evolving business needs.

Olmstead’s Operational Agility Review (OAR) will quickly provide a broad-based view of your organization’s strengths and challenges in flexing the operating model to address future demands that inevitably, and often unpredictably, will head your way.

Focus Areas




Skills assessment
Org design


Operational efficiency
Target model
Workflow optimization


Platform review
Technology assessment

What is the OAR framework?
Olmstead’s OAR framework consists of a series of operations, data and technology reviews targeted on strategic processes. It provides an end to-end review from front office/client-facing delivery through back office sourcing and execution.

How is the OAR framework different?
Historically, traditional operational reviews were executed in silos focusing on a specific business component. Although slight efficiency gains may have been achieved, they often fail to benefit the end consumer.

Who can benefit from an OAR study?
New CEOs or COOs seeking an independent assessment of their operations, asset managers undergoing M&A activity, and those in need of an outsourcing or technology assessment are all excellent candidates.

What is the outcome of an OAR study?
An OAR study will produce a list of actionable initiatives, a strategic roadmap, and will benefit from the use of one or more of the transformation levers below.

Transformation Levers

An OAR Study results in a set of comprehensive and actionable outputs
enabling future initiative planning.

OAR Dashboard
The OAR dashboard provides a view of your firm’s operations and highlights areas of concern. The dashboard is accompanied by a summary report which outlines details supporting the scoring and also provides a qualitative assessment with recommendations.

OAR Strategic Roadmap
After completing an initial review, the strategic roadmap provides a path forward for execution.